
Distro review

Just a short review of linux distros that I’ve used/use

If you are a beginner coming from Windows: use Linux Mint


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I don’t like Ubuntu. It has a bad track record with privacy, which is one of the key reasons I use Linux, and it ships snap by default which no one else does (even distros that are based on Ubuntu)

Linux Mint

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If you are coming from windows, use it. Linux Mint comes with a windows-like desktop and almost everything you can do, you can do using a GUI interface, which is good for beginners.

Fedora Workstation

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Fedora is a good distro for beginners. It’s easy to set up, use, it is stable and popular, so you a likely to get support. It also comest with a popular desktop (GNOME on Wayland) which most applications are build for.

Arch Linux

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I you are a beginner don’t use Arch. It is not meant for beginners. I used this distro for a long time, and it’s good. It has the AUR with all it’s software, and I can set up everything myself (which I like), but now I have a high resolution monitor, along with a fullhd one, so I need wayland to use them at the same time, but when I tried to install it on arch, it just broke, and I have no idea how to fix it, so I decided to try Debian


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Debian is good, stable and easy to use, but it doesn’t have much software (After using Arch with the AUR, every distro for me now has too little software)


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Manjaro is good. It is based on Arch (so it has the AUR) and it’s easy to install, I you want as much software as possible, use Manjaro


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NixOS is a really good choice if you reinastall OSs a lot. For me the problem was, that home-manager made all config files that it controlled read-only, but overall it’s a pretty solid distro with a large repository of software (almost like the AUR)


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I didn’t believe anything could be harder to install than Arch. I was wrong. Installing Gentoo was so hard that I gave up, so I can’t say anything about the system itself, but building everything from source seems nice.

Blend OS

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The idea is good, but the implemintation is not perfect. I used this distro a long time ago, so probably everything changed, but still, if you want an immutable distro use Fedora Silverblue or Vannila OS (I haven’t used them myself, but I heard good things about them)

Kali Linux

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Don’t use Kali Linux as a daily driver. Just. Don’t. Only use Kali for Penetration Testing, Security Research, etc.


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This OS is built for security. I used it for a while, but the performance drop was too much. But I still have it installed on my PC (just in case)

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